Sunday, March 23, 2014

How to build only vcl modules from scratch in LibreOffice

After reviewing the component diagram on the LibreOffice wiki, the following will make the VCL module in LibreOffice:

make sal salhelper store cppuhelper cppu xmlreader registry unoidl dtrans \
     binaryurp dtrans animations jvmfwk jvmaccess javaunohelper stoc i18nlangtag \
     ucbhelper comphelper basegfx tools unotools i18nutil i18npool sot svl vcl

Update: this doesn't always work. Turns out that there is some sort of circular dependency between i18npool and another module, which make sorts out itself. 

I'm now trying:

make CppunitTest_i18npool_test_breakiterator ucb configmgr vcl


  1. make vcl.all
    does the trick
    in general
    make .all

  2. Except that runs slowcheck :-) something I'm not interested in for now.
